Monday, July 7, 2008

Little Jake Ryan

Donnie went into labor during Dylan's baseball game at about 6:30 on 7/2. This time the labor pains were much more intense than ever before. She had experienced contractions on a few different occations, but this time she knew it was the real thing. She didn't even pull into the garage, she was ready to go to the hospital. I went inside to change my clothes and get our hopital bags together while Aidan urged me to hurry. He was really concerned that we get going. He could tell that Donnie was in pain. He's my sensitive little boy. Once at the hopital, we were hoping to be able to stay. She was only dilated to a 1, but the contractions were really intense and close together, so we were allowed to stay to have our baby. She was in labor for almost 17 hours and not progressing past a 5, so they decided that a c-section was the only way for Jake Ryan to make his way out. It was quite an ordeal, but everyone is safe and healthy. Aidan and Dylan are so excited for Jake Ryan to be here and so are we. He was born on 7/3/08 at 11:11 a.m. and was 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 20.5 inches.

Jake Ryan's Arrival

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dylan's Birthday Party

Donnie threw a birthday pool party for Dylan. He had lots of family members there to celebrate with him. He said "it was the bestest birthday at your house yet!" Both of the boys love when they get to play with their cousins, and they always have such a good time together.

Dylan's Pool Party (6th Birthday)

Father's Day 2008

The boys hooked me up with some manly gifts for father's day. They are the best! Aidan got me the perfect pushups, and Dylan got me a fishing pole. They were both so excited about their gifts. I loved them. Donnie gave me a yoga mat and blocks, and a hydration pack. It was a good day.

Dylan's graduation

Dylan is so glad to be done with school for the summer. He started the year with tears and reluctance, but ended strong earning his first diploma. He is a very good little student.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Jake Ryan's getting bigger

Here's Donnie at 32 weeks. She just loves the fact that her belly is growing...not really. I think she looks cute with our little basketball inside.

Aidan's Piano Recital

Aidan played his piece like a pro. He was one of the very last kids to play because he is so good. He was even lucky enough to have his Grandpa Rick and Grandma Sherrie come see him play.